Apache Jena Fuseki

Apache Jena Fuseki is a SPARQL server. It can run as an operating system service, as a Java web application (WAR file), and as a standalone server.

Fuseki comes in two forms, a single system “webapp”, combined with a UI for admin and query, and as “main”, a server suitable to run as part of a larger deployment, including with Docker or running embedded. Both forms use the same core protocol engine and same configuration file format.

Fuseki provides the SPARQL 1.1 protocols for query and update as well as the SPARQL Graph Store protocol.

Fuseki is tightly integrated with TDB to provide a robust, transactional persistent storage layer, and incorporates Jena text query.


The Jena users mailing is the place to get help with Fuseki.

Email support lists

Download Fuseki with UI

Releases of Apache Jena Fuseki can be downloaded from one of the mirror sites:

Jena Downloads

and previous releases are available from the archive. We strongly recommend that users use the latest official Apache releases of Jena Fuseki in preference to any older versions.

Fuseki download files

Filename Description
apache-jena-fuseki-*VER*.zip Fuseki with UI download
jena-fuseki-server The Fuseki Main packaging

apache-jena-fuseki-*VER*.zip contains both a war file and an executable jar.

Fuskei Main is also available as a Maven artifact:


Previous releases

While previous releases are available, we strongly recommend that wherever possible users use the latest official Apache releases of Jena in preference to using any older versions of Jena.

Previous Apache Jena releases can be found in the Apache archive area at https://archive.apache.org/dist/jena

Development Builds

Regular development builds of all of Jena are available (these are not formal releases) from the Apache snapshots maven repository. This includes packaged builds of Fuseki.

Getting Started With Fuseki

The quick start section serves as a basic guide to getting a Fuseki server running on your local machine.

See all the ways to run Fuseki for complete coverage of all the deployment methods for Fuseki.

How to Contribute

We welcome contributions towards making Jena a better platform for semantic web and linked data applications. We appreciate feature suggestions, bug reports and patches for code or documentation.

See “Getting Involved” for ways to contribute to Jena and Fuseki, including patches and making github pull-requests.

Source code

The development codebase is available from git.

Development builds (not a formal release): SNAPSHOT

Source code: https://github.com/apache/jena/tree/main/jena-fuseki2

The Fuseki code is under “jena-fuseki2/”:

Code Purpose
jena-fuseki-core The Fuseki engine. All SPARQL operations.
jena-fuseki-main Embedded server and command line
jena-fuseki-server Build the combined jar for Fusek/main server
jena-fuseki-docker Build a docker conntained based on Fusek/main
jena-fuseki-webapp Web application and command line startup
jena-fuseki-fulljar Build the combined jar for Fuseki/UI server
jena-fuseki-war Build the war file for Fusek/UI server
apache-jena-fuseki The download for Fuskei
jena-fuseki-access Data access control
jena-fuseki-geosparql Integration for GeoSPARQL